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Do animals have feelings?
The “Look After Your Pets Show” is designed to help children think more deeply about the needs of animals.
Dogs love a daily walk…a cat likes string games, baby chicks feel safe under their mums wings and cows like to keep their young close.  Our animal friends have needs just like us, like clean water and somewhere comfortable to sleep.
Through the use of puppets the show is designed to help children understand the importance of being a responsible pet/animal friend. The dress up box helps the children act out a story about a very bored dog’s outrageous behavior.
Songs and stories reinforce the message that looked after pets, just like us feel very happy and safe!
This show is designed to imprint important life messages into children’s hearts! 

We also sing Renata's fun song with sign language "I Love Animals" - see the below YouTube.

All show scripts are altered to communicate important messages from each show to Kindergarten, prep to grade 2, OSCH’s, childcare and family day care groups.

Price:  $8.80 (including gst) per student, minimum of 50 children. The incursion goes for 55 minutes.

For bookings call 0412 775 678 or email [email protected]